
Module3---Unit 3: Locations :1. City Locations


Welcome to Dyned City. Make yourself at home.

The art museum is on High Street, directly across from the hotel.   


Which of these buildings is next to the art museum?

---There is a café on the corner of High Street and First Avenue, next to the art museum.


What building is between a café and a cinema?

---The art museum is between a café and a cinema.                                                                                      


This hotel is the middle of the block, between First Avenue and Second Avenue.           

The city’s best hotel is on High street, across from the art museum.                                                               


What is next door to the hotel and across from Movie Theater?

---This restaurant is next door to the hotel, at the corner of High Street and Second Avenue.


Which of these buildings is on the corner of First Avenue and High Street next door to the hotel?

---There is a bank on the corner of First Avenue and High Street next door to the hotel.


What building is directly across from the art museum?

---The city’s best hotel is on High street, across from the art museum.


Which of these buildings is on the corner of High Street and Second Avenue?

---There is a theater on the corner of High Street and Second Avenue next to the art museum.


You can buy medicine, toothpaste, and other personal items here.                                                                                                                                        There is a drugstore on Second Avenue, across from a department store.        

Bookstore There is a bookstore on Second Avenue, between a gas station and a drugstore.

Subway station The entrance is on High Street. around the corner from a book store.

There is a gas station at the intersection of High Street and Second Avenue, next to a subway station.

This is High Street High Street runs east-west. High street runs in front of the hotel.


This is First Avenue.

This is Second Avenue.

First Avenue runs north-south.

This is where First Avenue cross High Street.

There is a traffic light at this intersection.


What is next door to the hotel and across from the movie theater?

---This is the intersection of High Street and First Avenue.                                 


There are many stores along Second Avenue.

This is the intersection of Second Avenue and High Street.

Parking lot there is a parking lot on First Avenue, south of the Hospital.

You can buy stamps or mail a letter here.   


Which of these buildings is Located in the middle of the block? 

---The hotel is in the middle of the block between First Avenue and Second Avenue.



There is a gas station on First Avenue, opposite a travel agency.

There is a police station on High Street, west of First Avenue.

The hospital is at the intersection of First Avenue and High Street.                   

There is a bank on the corner of First Avenue and High Street next door to the hotel.


Where do college students usually go for a cup of coffee?  

---This is café is popular with students from the university.


There is a travel agency on First Avenue, next to the post office.

The University is located behind the art museum.

There is a large department store on Second Avenue, South of High Street.


There are four directions: North, East, South, and West.  

In summer, children love to play in the park. The City Park is on the North West corner of High Street and First Avenue.   


The bank is next to the hotel.       

There are public rest rooms in the park.      


Which of these buildings is on the corner of High Street and Second Avenue?                              

---Movie Theater There is a theater on the corner of High Street and Second Avenue.                                  

The main post office is on First Avenue a bank and a travel agency. 




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